THE need for clever University of the Sunshine Coast engineering student Scott Roy’s flood wall device to stop basement car park inundation is a reminder of the realities of living on coastal flood plains.

Adaptive devices like the one he’s patented are already necessary to avert damage from present-day risks that will only be exacerbated by the looming impacts of climate change.

Local and state authorities would do well to move cautiously as they plan the future, keeping an eye both on looming threats and also being reflective of the outcomes of past decisions.

Both already face difficulties funding the infrastructure needs of existing communities without saddling themselves with the further costs that will be associated with ignoring clearly recognisable risks.

Mr Roy appears to be on a winner.

Not only will there be an immediate market for his invention but the future ensures that demand will only grow.

This community is also on a winner with a University of the Sunshine Coast that fosters innovation relevant to our needs.

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