Sunshine Coast University engineering student Scott Roy created the product, Flo Defence, after rainfall flooded Maroochydore in March 2012, inundating underground car parks in Sixth Avenue.

The device, designed like a vertical underground pit, runs the width of the driveway and is made out of metal and foam.

Not visible from the road, the pit fills up with water during a flood and this causes a wall to raise. The wall then seals and locks into place, stopping any water from entering the car park.

Senior lecturer Dr Helen Fairweather says the flood defence device is now ready to undergo trials.

“This design is very elegant, it requires no electricity to operate,” Dr Fairweather said.

“That, of course, is very important in flood conditions due to power outages.

“Also, the device only raises when it’s absolutely necessary.”

Dr Fairweather says the barrier will help to alleviate the impact of future flood disasters.

“Currently it’s a real problem in Maroochydore when extreme rainfall events hit,” she said.

“Obviously if those conditions coincides with a king tide or a very high tide or a storm surge then that problem is exacerbated.”

25 August, 2014 1:09PM AEST

By Janel Shorthouse and Jo Skinner

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